2025 Botswana Wild Africa Photo Immersion

Dates: To be decided. Join Newsletter for Updates
Location: Botswana, Okavango Delta
Focus: Lion, leopard, cheetah, wild dogs, zebras, giraffe, elephants, rhinos, hippos.
Limit: 6 persons

2025 Botswana Wild Africa Photo Immersion


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Your Guides

Explore wildlife around the world with our expert tour leaders. You’re in good hands with the best in the business.

We understand animals, but we also know what it takes to make photographers and wildlife-lovers happy. A couple decades in the field working with humans and critters allow us to make your trip easy, fun, and awe-inspiring. And while you’ll see amazing creatures, it’s also what you won’t see that will make your trip successful. Our team’s exceptional planning, logistics, and nimble problem solving skills create worry-free travel for our clients.

Michelle Theall

Michelle Theall

Michelle Theall is the executive editor and a professional photographer at Alaska Magazine. She owns Wild Departures, a company she started to share her global travel expertise with avid shutterbugs, to bring them to the right place at the right time for the image of a lifetime. Her work has appeared in publications and private galleries and she’s been profiled by Oprah, the Travel Channel, and the Today Show.
Woman in lime green coat holding camera with telephoto lens sitting on rocky area

Corrynn Cochran

We call Corrynn Cochran “superfun” because she brings that attitude to her work. As the former photo editor at two different national titles and an accomplished professional wildlife photographer, Corrynn makes sure everyone gets the shot.